When: Thursday, October 8, 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Where: RTKL, 2101 L Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20037

What: You’ve recently joined the marketing team at an AEC firm, and are handed a Request for Proposal (RFP). Now what? Proposal coordination is a must-have skill for any successful marketer in our industry. This entry-level session will cover how to read a RFP, proposal coordination basics, common obstacles and pitfalls, and best practices and lessons learned.

Presented by Catherine DeWitt, President of SMPS Maryland (2015 Chapter of the Year), this session is entry-level and geared towards new marketers.

Marketing Coordinator Boot Camp is a four-part educational and training series. If you are a new proposal coordinator with little to no AEC experience, or have one-to-two years of experience but are seeking more formal training, then this program is for you!

Visit SMPS DC for more information.